In Which I Answer Your Questions!

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Hi guys! I’ve got answers to your questions! Well, the ones you asked me anyway…haha…

I had a lot of fun answering these questions and I hope that you guys enjoy reading over my answers and getting to know me a little more!

Also, sorry this is late…last week was crazy…lol…I got partway through answering the questions and then lost track of the days. Oops. Anyway, let’s do this!

Who is your favorite book and author?

My favorite books are probably either The Wars of the Realm series or the first Starlore Legacy book (since I haven’t read the others). And my favorite author is Chuck Black!

What’s your current writing project about?

I don’t really have one right now…lol…but you can find out more about my recent WIP, Stoneflake’s Bane here!

I heard recently on WBGL that the Southern accent is fading away!! So sad. Do you think that’s true, since you’re a Southerner living among other Southerners?

I think it’s a little true…just because there are so many people moving into the south. And so then people end up marrying people not from the south and the kids have less of an accent. Then there’s the fact that people seem to look down on Southerners with thick accents…so, we learn to hide it…lol…

I don’t sound super southern when I talk most of the time, but I can if I want to! It comes out on certain words pretty thick at times too!

Did you write your story in “Heard in Silence”, “At Least”, in one sitting? And did you have a plot line for it or come up with it randomly?

Yes! I did write it in one sitting…lol…pretty impressive right? And I had no plot…haha…it just came to me as I writing it…haha…I never plot, so…*shrugs* I’m like the most extreme pantser who just sits down and waits for the inspiration to hit them over the head.

What are some of your favorite names?

I’m pretty picky when it comes to names…lol…But here are a few I love!

Shasta (for a dog…lol…)

And that’s all I can remember at this moment…lol…

Is there a baking recipe you have wanted to try but haven’t gotten around to yet?

I’ve wanted to try making homemade Oreos but I haven’t gotten to it and I know they won’t taste exactly the same…haha…and I love Oreos so now I’m afraid to try it because I know it will be disappointing. But maybe one day!

Cool colors or warm colors?

Cool colors!

Have you ever watched any episodes of Macgyver? ( late 1900s with Richard Dean Anderson )

I’ve seen a few a long time ago…lol…I was pretty young and it was just bits and pieces when I walked in the room where my brothers were watching them…haha…I have seen all the newer MacGyver episodes though through Vid-Angel, or at least, most of those. I haven”t watched season 4 yet.

What are your favorite things to do to recharge after a lot of social interaction?

Sleep! Haha…not joking either. That and eat…haha…usually sugar and then go to bed! Most of my social interacting seems to be either an all day thing with my boyfriend and his family or an evening event…so I’m just ready to hit the sack!

If you could have a picnic with any fictional characters, who would you invite and what foods would you bring?

Drew Carter and Sydney Carlyle from The Wars of the Realm! As for food, I’d probably bring pizza and ice cream…haha…

I know you don’t usually love romance, but if you had to choose, what fictional couple has the most romantic story? XD

That’s a hard one because I don’t read many romances…I’m wracking my brain for a movie or series write now…haha…I love the romance in Ever After! Danielle and Prince Henry are just so cute! And it’s got plenty of funny parts as well! And I’ve always been a sucker for Beauty and the Beast…haha…

In books probably Leonad and Tess from The Kingdom Series! Oh, and Gavinaugh and Keana from the same series!

What’s your favorite and least favorite month?

My favorite month is October! (Not because it’s my birthday month either…lol…) I love the leaves and the weather during October! It’s so nice!

My least favorite month is August because it’s muggy and gross…lol…and so hot! But swimming kind of makes is bearable…kind of, sort of, not really…haha…

What topic could you talk about for an hour straight?

I don’t think I could ever talk for an hour straight…lol…I’m a very quiet person. The topic I could probably talk the longest about is animals…but even then it’d probably be ten minutes or less…haha…

What are some of your favorite things about living in the South?

The mountains! I love the mountains! And the water, so many creeks and rivers and lakes! And the animals!! Everybody has a dog or multiple dogs here in the South and it’s just so great! The friendly waves from locals. The way we talk…lol…and the Appalachian special known as Chocolate Gravy. *wink*

I also love deer steak dinners…lol…and good old country music on a back road.

If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber. What vegetable would I be?😉

Hmm, vegetable… A Brussel sprout disguised as a cake pop, I know you love them so…lol…

(For context, this was a April Fools at our homeschool group about 3 years ago…lol…Hunter was not impressed.XD I gotta say it was hilarious to watch though…haha…Sisters Three was smart enough not to take the offered treat…haha…It seemed fishy that were only so many and they only offered them to the teens and big kids.)

Thank you guys for the fun questions! I had a blast answering them and hope you guys enjoy reading over the answers!

What’s your favorite color? What topic could you talk about for an hour? Anything that you adore about where you live? And if you were a vegetable what would you be?

Till next time!

God Bless!

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12 responses to “In Which I Answer Your Questions!”

  1. Saraina Whitney Avatar
    Saraina Whitney

    I loved reading your answers, girl!!! LOl yes, I need lots of sleep after a lot of social interaction 😅 And I agree, October is such a gorgeous month! 😍 Definitely a good birthday month 😛 (And that brussel sprout prank sounds disturbing 👀🤣)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rissy Avatar

      Aww, why thank you girly!!! Hahaha…… yes.🤣 Yes, it definitely is the leaves are just so pretty the weather is just so fantastic.😍🤣 Hahaha…. it definitely is.😉 Hahaha…. I no right? Is was funny well, for me anyways.🤣🤣🤣


      1. Hunter Avatar

        You know the saddest part about the whole Cake-Pop incident is that for a minute I actually thought that’s what a Cake-Pop was just supposed to taste like.😂🤣

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Rissy Avatar

        Hahaha…. oh, my goodness tater tot’s that is just hilarious.🤣🤣🤣


  2. Riley G. Avatar
    Riley G.

    HOMEMADE OREOS?! Why haven’t I ever thought that Oreos could be homemade?! I need to try making some now. 😋

    Have you tried Oreos wrapped in bacon? I haven’t tried them myself, but I hear they are quite yummy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rissy Avatar

      YES, HOMEMADE OREOS!!!😋 Haha…🤣🤣🤣 Yes, you definitely do.😉 No I have never had Oreos wrapped in bacon before. Oh, I might have to try then sometime then.😁

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hunter Avatar

    haha… it was perfect, I couldn’t think of anything better myself.😉 hahaha… I knew it was!😁😉🤣 You know, I knew you were going to ask that …haha… but yes my love I trust you to feed me a cake pop and not try and traumatize me.😉🤣🤣🤣 That was my first cake pop so I’d need to have a better experience with one anyways, so you might be able to help me.🤣 Hey it’s just the truth, but of course!!!💚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rissy Avatar

      Hahaha… I’m sure you couldn’t.😉Hahaha….🤣🤣🤣😉Hahaha…. you no me to well, and really you do?😏 a
      Awesome now I know what to do for your birthday.😏😉 Oh, really it was? Oh, yes me will help you.😏Okay, okay.😉💚


      1. Hunter Avatar

        Well you don’t have to be so sure.😉🤣🤣🤣 Hey wait a moment, why you looking at me like that with this emoji?🤣Why do I feel like I’m in danger of betrayal?🥺😉 It really was and I’m just to trusting of people.🤣 This girl just came up to me and offered me a cake pop and I was like, oh I’ve never tried these before! And she hesitated, like she was wondering if she should do this to me.🤣 So I should have been more suspicious of her.🤣🤣🤣 You better not do what them eyes are telling me you’re going to do, or you know what will happen.😏 I’ll give you a hint, it involves lots of laughter from both parties.😏😉 Okay.😉💚

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Rissy Avatar

        Oh, why is that so?😉🤣🤣🤣Hahaha…. I don’t know I just am.🤣Maybe because you are.😏😉Hahaha….. yes, and that is funny.🤣Hahaha…. yes, yes.🤣🤣🤣Hahaha…. it was hilarious.🤣🤣🤣Yes, you really should have.😉🤣🤣🤣Oh, I’m totally going to do it.😏 Because we both know that nothing is going to happen.😏😉Hahaha…. whatever.😏😉


  4. Hunter Avatar

    Oh, a Brussel sprout disguised as a cake pop, some how I knew you’d say that.😉🤣I guess you’d pick that because I’m just so sweet and charming on the outside and good and healthy for you on the inside?🤔😉🤣 That’s how I’m gonna take it anyway.😉 ps- I’ll still never trust a cake pop ever again.🤣🤣🤣 Also, I think this was a very fun blog post Sweetness!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rissy Avatar

      Hahaha…. I’m sorry, I had to do it I just couldn’t help myself.🤣 Hahaha… okay, if that’s what you think then whatever.😉Hahaha…. of course it is.😉🤣Hahaha… not even if I give you one?🥺😉 Aww, why thank you so much!!!💚


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