This Gray Canvas Launch Tour Kick-off!

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Hey folks! Welcome to the kick-off post for the Launch Tour of This Gray Canvas! This is Jaidie’s second book and her first time venturing into MG contemporary and can we just say this story is amazing! We are….

*Percy Fudgebottom slides onto the set* Welcome back everyone, Percy here with Ethan Connors from This Gray Canvas. Tell us a bit about your book Ethan!”

*Ethan glances around, shoves glasses up and gulps*

*tense silence reigns for a good five minutes*

“Okay, nevermind about that, take a seat Ethan.” *Sophie swoops in and rushes Ethan off the stage before he passes out*

*Percy clears his throat* “Well, everyone now it’s time for the book info and tour schedule.” *Sisters Three glaring at him and tapping their feet. Percy swallows hard and forces a smile* “I’ll hand this over to Sisters Three now.”

*jerks the mic away from Percy* As we were saying, we are excited about this release and if you want to learn more about the characters or Ethan’s world, check out this post and this post!

Book Info:

Release Date: June 25th, 2024
Genre: Middle-Grade Contemporary
Author: Jaiden Phillips
Cover Art: Jaiden Phillips


Because how did one explain the gray canvas I was trapped in?

Ethan was born into a world of black and white a medical condition known as monochromatic vision, but with one exception—he can see the color green. After moving from the Colorado countryside to New York City, Ethan struggles to adjust to the busy and colorless atmosphere.

When encouraged to join a local art contest by his grandfather and a peppy bookworm named Sophie, Ethan considers it. But when the bullies at school get a hold of his sketchpad, and make fun of his colorless art, Ethan wonders if he has anything worth sharing at all. Because how could anyone understand the gray canvas of his life?

About the Author:

Jaiden Phillips is a teen author residing in the mountains of western North Carolina. She has six older siblings and one set of amazing parents!
More often than not, you can find her sketching one of her wild ideas, writing out a scene for a book, or giving her sisters a healthy dose of sarcasm.
Her debut novel, The Guild of Thieves, is available on Amazon!

Author Links:

Jaiden’s linktree:

Book Links:

Goodreads Book Link:
Amazon Link:

Free Character Art!

For those who order and submit to this form between June 25th and July 9th you receive a hand-drawn character card of Ethan, the main character of This Gray Canvas. The picture is digitally colored using only colors Ethan can see, so you get to see him the way he sees himself!

Physical cards are available for US residents, international readers will receive a digital card that they can print on their own for themselves.

Tour Schedule:

Monday, June 24th

Sisters Three – Blog Tour Launch Announcement 
Rhys-Marie Whitnell – Spotlight
Emma Crooks – Spotlight and review

Tuesday, June 25th

Issabelle Perry – Character Interview
Kristina Hall – Spotlight
Kylie Beevers – Spotlight and Sneak Peek
Virginia Henderson – Book Spotlight

Wednesday, June 26th

Jaiden Phillips Art – Character Art and Spotlight
Lorelei Angelino – Spotlight

Thursday, June 27th

The Introspective Introvert – Author Interview, Sneak Peek, and Spotlight
Writers’ Vision – Spotlight

Friday, June 28th

Old Fashioned Book Love – Review and Spotlight
Saraina Whitney – Review and Sneak Peek
Sisters Three – End of Tour Post


We hope to see around! Please enjoy the tour!

Are you excited about tomorrow? It’s release day!!!! What are you most intrugied about in regards to This Gray Canvas? Are you introverted or extroverted? Or maybe somewhere in-between?

Let us know in the comments!

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